Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Randomness: Toys, Kristens, Musicals.

Brain purge.

1. Every time I see the The Sorcerer's Apprentice trailer -- and I've seen it too many times -- I'm fooled into thinking that Kristen Stewart has died her hair blonde for a cameo. Is it the slack hair and its length and minor wave, the slack face in repose, the slack blandness? I hate it when actors look like other actors -- Seeing Monica Potter still makes me crazy after all these years. Stop copying Julia Roberts! --but maybe I need my eyes checked. Obviously it's not Kristen Stewart because there's too much facial movement.

2. Been thinking some more on that Wicked story I shrugged off and I continue to be depressed about the state of the movie musical. The Man Who Loved Musicals Too Much. Maybe I just can't be satisifed? Even when there is movement or news, like a screen reboot of Billy Elliot (as the musical version) or a transfer for Broadway's In the Heights, I just am never ever excited about the directors or projects. Whenever they mention names or projects I just can't help thinking that the new model is Chris Columbus's Rent (which wasn't even a big hit!). And who needs more bland mediocrities like that

3. Thank heaven for little girl's toys. I am so relieved that we have a new #1 movie of the year in Toy Story 3 (my review) which dethroned the hideous Alice in Wonderland (my thoughts) this weekend past. Years in which the #1 movie is lame are too many. And Toy Story 3 is just a beauty.

Those are the three things I had to put out into the universe this afternoon. Got 3 things on your mind. Or 3 comments on these?

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