Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kristin Chenoweth, Film Critic

I follow way too many people on Twitter and thus miss updates from the few celebrities I follow. But since Kristin Chenoweth, one of my favorite peeps in the world, is in the news today being an Emmy nominee (she won previously, and deservedly, for Pushing Daisies) for Glee. I thought I'd share her film tweets.

She misspels her new favorite movie Greenberg but we hear it's quite good and who doesn't love Quentin Tarantino movies? So maybe she has good taste but then... NOOOooooooo she loves Forrest Gump -- god, I hate that movie -- and even gives the Zeéeeee major props so, ungh...

But thanks for sharing, Cheno! Love you always. Can't wait to see you in concert again whenever that may be.

Further Only Tangentially Related Reading:
Movie|Line on the mad subject of Lindsay Lohan's sh*tshow tweeting

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