Movie|Line thinks that Salt is going to be bigger than Inception. I've been thinking this too, yo. I don't know why but I think Salt is going to be massive... we're speaking of box office, mind.
Empire Haley Joel Osment is 22 now! He's returning to the screen after a long absence to play a virgin teacher in the comedy Sex Ed.
Cinema Blend Edward Norton calm about The Avengers situation.

In Contention the top 10 performances in Chris Nolan films. Hard to argue with #1 but otherwise I'm sure there's room for debate.
Guardian Will Mélanie Laurent be the biggest French export since Binoche?
MTV Alan Ball (Six Feet Under, True Blood) is already eyeing a third HBO series. Good luck topping the previous two. P.S. Why doesn't my beloved Joss Whedon make the jump to pay cable. I'll never understand it. He's perfectly suited for long form writer driven stuff. God, I hate this Avengers movie, tying up all these people.
That Obscure Object "I wish this excuse was still relevant." Teehee
Finally, behold and gape at this Toy Story 3 finger painting.
Having "painted" on my iPhone, I frankly cannot believe that someone can do this (although I'm sure it would help to have that larger iPad surface).
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