Here she is, back in the day (Carrie era), when she was more prominent on our screens:

She's been too long in the movie outfield. There hasn't been much eminent work from her since Out of Sight twelve years ago. Out of sight indeed. But never out of (my) mind. Today's her birthday - her 60th. Can you believe?

...which begs the question: do more men get late career boosts than women? Tarantino dug up Travolta and Forster -and others besides - for nostalgia-fuelled resurrections (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown). And Sly, Arnie, Lundgren & co. are back recreating past '80s glories this summer in The Expendables. So, come on, do we need an estrogen-filled collective, alternative comeback for '80s actresses or what? The Indispensables? Let's even out the balance here. Or maybe Kathryn Bigelow should call up Allen's agent to offer a feisty cop role sometime soon. A great match, I'd say.

Come on Nance, you work a movie set, fur collar and '80s perm with killer style. Get your glad rags back on and return to our screens post haste. You have been missed.

A big happy birthday to you today, too. Please give us another screen appearance before your 61st. Pretty please.
* in a stroke of Robo-coincidence, it's also Weller's birthday today, too. Many happy returns, Mr Weller. Now both of you, go and make RoboCop 4.
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