The Film Experience will always be somewhat random since spontaneity is oxygen (and other less pleasurable reasons also interfere). Sometimes ambitions collapse before execution due to lack of funding, corporate slavery, cat illness, backlog of unfinished business or loss of passport. But series and general structure help keep things on track regardless; Attempts at discipline never hurt anyone. So here's what we hope is coming up...
- Sunday: new series Take Three (5.23) returning Naked Gold Man - weekly contemporary Oscar race discussions (5.30)
- Monday: returning Reader Request, Mad Men @ The Movies, Monologues (5.31)
- Tuesday: returning Curio, Tuesday Top Ten (5.25)
- Wednesday: new series Day Job (6.2)
- Thursday: returning Modern Maestros (6.10)
- Friday: new series Posterized (5.21)
- Saturday: Day of Rest (Vitamin D deficiency alert! Must experience sunlight this summer)
FLOATING: returning (various days) yes no maybe so, Who's That Girl?, Streep@60, June Brides, Best Pictures From the Outside In, podcast, Great Moments in Screen Bitchery
- IMPERMANENT HIATUS | SERIES HEAVEN | LIMBO: A History Of..., Hump Day Hotties, Breakfast With..., Cast This, Kissing, Signatures, Screen Queens, Mezamishii, April Showers, May Flowers, 20:07, Vanity Fair's Hollywood, Musical of the Month
If you don't comment, we never know what you're thinking. If you have praise don't hold back... pour it on thick. If you have gripes, keep it to y--- kidding! Always be constructive in your criticisms if you have them. Here and elsewhere. The Film Experience wants to be a happy place. Happy happy joy joy.
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