the new stuff
- Daybreakers -In which Ethan Hawke is vampiric and Willem Dafoe is...? What is Willem Dafoe. I sometimes do not know.
- Doctor Zhivago (45th Anniversary Edition) -In which Omar Shariff and Julie Christie have an epic romance. I've actually never seen this. And it's strange that people don't talk about it more. It's actually one of the most successful pictures of all time. If you adjust for inflation it was a bigger hit than Avatar, Raiders of the Lost Ark or The Godfather. No joke!
- Edge of Darkness -In which Mel Gibson unleashes his trademark whoopass on bad guys... even though he never exactly behaves like a good guy himself.
- Leap Year -In which Amy Adams and Matthew So Goode earn paychecks.
- Legion -In which Paul Bettany is a badass angel fighting God's supernatural devils or something. I don't really understand what's going on here, theologically or otherwise.
- Tooth Fairy -In which The Rock continues being the modern day equivalent of Ahnuld: action flicks alternating with jokey family flicks.
* I have a lot on my plate but I am unemployed at the moment so I am going to wrap up all the things I've been lagging on. I know what they are...
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