Victim of the Time on Susannah York. My god I love this scene in They Shoot Horses Don't They
Guardian Stanley Kubrick's widow speaks. How they met, how he danced (?) and more...
Cinema Obsessed is spooked by the Don't Be Afraid of the Dark teaser. I am too. Guillermo Del Toro found created his scaried creature yet called "Katie Holmes"!
And Your Little Blog, Too shares memories of meeting Patricia Neal (RIP)
Videogum Inception themed casual encounter [NSFW... and by Not Safe For Work I mean NSFP... Not Safe for the Prudish]. You know it's funny. I was just going to post about how I'm just DONE with reading about Inception on the internets and then this hit. Hee.

Tribeca Film my column "best in show" spotlights John Hawkes and Dale Dickey in Winter's Bone
52 Bad Dudes This is a cool tumblr. Adam Sidwell is drawing badasses from the movies each week
50 Best Illustration Blogs If you're like me and you love drawrings, check these out.
Daventry Blue "12 Songs About Movie Stars" Can you think of any more?
Quiet Earth isn't too happy about these plans for Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter

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