The tattoos are the oldest art. The tattoos have a very long history.The most of the American wear tattoos. Why Native American wear tattoos? There aremany reasons.
The American tattoos are the best in the industry. Some of the tribes give the prize as atattoo. The man/woman who is going to win on the war receives the tattoo. The tattoos indicate the victory.

Thetattoos also indicate thetribes. The tribe can be recognized by looking atthe tattoo that they have worn. The tattoos describe the tribe and also region of the tribe. This article is all about the Native American tattoos design. The article explains the designs, color, advantage and disadvantage of getting the Native American tattoo design.
Some Native Americans tattoos also tell the village of the women. Many Native American tattoos have a particular meaning. Some of the tattoos have the mystical or spiritual meaning. The Native American tattoosare famous in the market. Today many people like to get the Native American tattoo.Native Americans believe that tattoos givepower.
Many of the Native American tattoos have the fallowing designs:
1. Animal pictures
2. Stones
3. Flowers
4. Butterfly
5. Tattoos of god
6. Mythical figures
7. Instruments
8. Musicians,
9. Feathers and many more.
The person should have good skills to create thetattoos.
The Native Americans use the fallowing tools to crave the tattoos on the body:
1. Sharpened turtle
2. Fish bones
3. Needles
Soot or natural dyes is then filled into the tattoo. The Native American uses the stroke by stroke methodto create a tattoo on the body. Getting a Native American tattoo design on the body is a painful process. Today, many people recognize the other people based on the tattoos. You no need to be an American to get the Native American tattoos. The Native American tattooshave become more prevalent in today’s society.

The Native American tattoos are very popular in the market. Many people request to put the Native American tattoo to tattoo artists. There are many Native American tattoosare available in the market. You must be careful while choosing a Native American tattoos. Once you get the Native American tattoos, it would be difficult to remove them.
There are different colors of tattoos. The best colors are black, red, green and blue. Youcan also choose the Native American tattoosdesign on line. Before taking the Native American tattoos on linebrowse the main tattoosand then choose a tattoo.

According to the cultureof the Lakota Indians , men and women should get tattoos at the time of marriage. The Native American tattoos are also called as Polynesiantattooing. The tattooingis a common in America.Since the every tattoo has a particular meaning, you must be careful. There are many sites from where you can get the tattoos.

Themain disadvantage of getting the American tattoo is that it pains more while getting the tattoo.
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