Football and hot women? What male sports fan wouldn't love Friday Night Lights! Throw in the fine writing and decent acting from the male members of the cast (as if we care!) ...
When Friday Night Lights wrapped up season three, the writers gave each of the main characters an interesting future. Now with the show coming back for a fourth (and even a fifth and likely final season), it sounds like the futures the writers decided upon will be changed. Be sure to check out how things look for our favourite good looking cast on DirecTV next week!
But what if things didn't change? I had some fun and imagined where I thought the characters might end up if they followed the path that was set out for them at the end of the third season.
Tyra Colette
When we left off: She was headed to the University of Texas.
The Future: While at college, the stunning tall drink of water attracts the attention of plenty of college boys. Her and everybody's favourite Christian rocking nerd Landry break it off. Tyra earns her business degree but somewhere along the way realizes that something is missing ...
Landy Clarke
When we left off: He was a staying in Dillon as a junior.
The Future: Landry stays at Dillon High and graduates top of his class. He heads off on academic scholarships to the Ivy League but returns often to Dillon and Texas to see his family. Landry earns a master's and doctorate in physics and makes an exciting breakthroughs in the energy industry. He creates his own company and ...
marries Tyra. She heads up his company's marketing arm and with street smarts, guts and personality helps it become extremely successful. The pair base the company in Texas because they realize they love the state.
Matt Saracen
When we left off: Always the guy trying to do the right thing, Matt opts to stay in Dillon with his grandma.
The Future: Like Smash Williams before him, Matt is offered a management opportunity with the Tastee Freeze. He is able to be based in Dillon but does have to travel. Matt also coaches part-time for East Dillon with his mentor Eric Taylor. While Matt earns a reputation as an innovative offensive mind, in his spare time he pursues correspondence courses in art. Over the years he breaks up with ...
Julie Taylor
When we left off: Julie was headed for her senior year of high school.
The Future: Julie eventually heads off to college on the east coast. She is not too sure what she wants to do in life so studies both dance and journalism. Eventually she decides she wants to ... be a teacher like her parents.
She also realizes that her and Matt need to be together. They reunite and, taking Grandma Saracen with them, move to the Boston area. Julie teaches English and is the student newspaper advisor at a prestigious private school. Matt works as a freelance artist and, while earning big money working for others, has a series of success graphic novels. The couple travel frequently to Texas to visit Landy and Tyra.
Tim Riggins
When we left off: He was headed to San Antonio State to play football.
The Future: Riggins find the party school atmosphere if San Antonio State much to his liking. Over, it results in him getting kicked off the football team and out of school. Riggins returns to Dillon and is shocked to see how hard Billy has to work to make ends meet for his family.
Riggins returns to San Antonio State and eventually captains the squad as a senior. He is a late round draft pick but earns his way into the NFL for five seasons. After that he takes his business degree and returns to Dillon where he helps the Riggins Brothers garage expand and also invests in other businesses. He marries a former rally girl, becomes a big booster at Dillon High and eventually becomes the mayor of Dillon.
Lyla Garrity
When we left off: Headed to Vanderbilt
The Future: The brunette with the amazing rack earns a degree in international studies and becomes a diplomat at the UN. She marries a fellow high ranking official but always has a soft spot for Tim Riggins and ...
Jason Street
When we left off: Working as a low level sports agent in New York and supporting his girlfriend and son.
The Future: Jason's charismatic personality helps him become very successful. He becomes a partner in the agency, marries his girlfriend and has more children. He remains friends with Lyla and heads back to Texas whenever he can to visit Tim. The lifelong best friends eventually buy the land they talked about in the series' first episode. During his career, Jason represents both Tim, Smash Williams and J.D. McCoy.
Smash Williams
When we left off: Making a college football team as a walkon and doing well
The Furture: Smash becomes an All-American and is a high NFL draft pick. The first thing he does is but his mom a great house in the city where he was drafted to play. Smash enjoys a 10-year NFL career featuring a number of Pro Bowl appearances. After retiring he uses his personality to carve out a very successful broadcasting and advertising career.
J.D. McCoy
When we left off: Headed into his sophomore year of high school
The Future: Pushed too hard by his father, J.D. flames out in college. He returns to Dillon where he faces his father's wrath. Riggins hears about the kid's plight and sets him up with Street. Jason helps him get an NFL tryout and, after earning a job as a backup, blossoms into a Pro Bowl quarterback.
Coach Taylor
When we left off: Headed to East Dillon as head coach
The Future: After a rough couple yeas with the upstart East Dillon program, Taylor leads his squad deep into the Texas state playoffs. He gets college offers but decides to stay in Dillon with Gracie Bell and his wife. After J.D. graduates, Buddy and the Dillon boosters try to get him to return but Coach is happy with what he has built at East Dillon.
Tammy Taylor
When we left off: Back for another year as principal at Dillon High
The Future: The hot, red-headed MILF raises her youngest daughter in Dillon and enjoys a long career as principal. Like her husband, she has offers to move on but she discovers she loves the town.